Friday 28 June 2013

Easy homemade yoghurt (without yoghurt maker)

     Hi there! We are back to show you how we prepare yoghurt at home without using a yoghurt maker. You will need a wide mouth thermos bottle though... but they are cheap, easy to find and they take much less room than conventional yoghurt makers (this is the one we use)

     If you haven't tried homemade yoghurt you will be surprised with its flavour!

     One of the biggest advantages of homemade products is that you can control the ingredients you use. In the case of yoghurt it is specially interesting to control the amount of sugar, since commercial yoghurt can have a substantial amount! We prepared it using no sugar at all. We like the natural flavour and we like adding some honey in the moment we eat it. If you prefer sweet yoghurt you just need to add sugar during the process, but we would recommend you to try it without sugar first. 

     The best starter you can use for your yoghurt is your own homemade yoghurt, so once you have the first one, go on using it for the next batch. There are some commercial starters that can be used as well, and you can even grow your own starter culture at home (we haven't tried that, but we want to try at some point! maybe a future video?) Just go back to commercial yoghurt or starter every 5-6 batches of yoghurt to be sure you are not growing any nasty bacteria. 

     The process is easy and you will have a cheap, healthy and yummy food. What else can you wish for? We hope to hear your experiences. Here is the video:

     Update: If you end up having a liquid with some lumps just whisk everything to mix them and leave it longer to finish the fermentation. 

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