Thursday 13 June 2013

Apple crumble in an apple

     Apple crumble (or apple crisp, as it is known in USA) is one of the most traditional desserts in British cooking. This all time favourite consists in a baked layer of apples with a crumble on the top (being this a mixture of butter and flour, with sugar in its sweet version) In some versions a base is added to the cake, and there are optional ingredients, like raisins or lemon juice. 

     We bring you a different option to present this classic dessert. Once more, in Cukinando we opt for the individual portions. In this occasion we use the apples to present it. 

     The result is a delicious (as is always the case with apple crumble!) sweet mini cake and you add an original touch. In our recipe we added some cinnamon and raisins to the filling. You can add some cinnamon to the crumble as well, if you prefer a stronger flavour. 

     You can find the video here: 

     Please, let us know what you think. We hope you like it! 

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