About Cuukinando

Cuukinando is born as an idea in the endless nights that follow the birth of a baby. At the end of 2012 Neil was born, and with him, I would stay awake (and I still aml!) countless nights. The only way to keep myself from falling asleep while I was feeding him in the first months was to watch videos on Youtube. I have always loved cooking and I already knew several online cooking channels, but it was at that point that I started following them closely, they made my nights little bit easier. 

Cooking is something I have always seen at home. As far as I know, it started with my grandfather, whom I was not lucky enough to meet.  My mother learnt from him and we all learnt from my mother. Specially my sister Ana. She is a professional chef and an integral part of Cuukinando since its beginnings. Along with my mother, she is my main culinary reference, a bottomless pit of cooking knowledge. As any family in Andalusia, we do not understand a celebration if it is not around a meal, as we do not understand life without tapas. It is part of our culture. But it was not until I left home that I started experimenting myself with cooking. 

I was born in Seville (Spain) and left to go to live in Santander for 6 years. I spent some time in Paris, a brief period in the States, and I have been living in UK already for 5 years. I married a Bangladeshi man. I am a scientist, and full time mum as I write this. I think that all these things are reflected in what Cuukinando is becoming. I am passionate about nutrition, I love international cooking, easy and healthy cooking, every day food. 

I hope to go on evolving with all of you. Learning and sharing. That's why we are here, don't you think so? 


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