Monday 31 March 2014

How to make little chocolate vases

In this post I wanted to share a technique to make little chocolate vases (or dessert recipients). Although there are easier ways of doing this, we have decided to "paint" the vases on baking paper, which is a laborious, but effective technique. If you want an easy way, you can for instance use balloons to make little bowls, which is much faster too! 

You will need to be little more patient, but that's it. You will need some tube shaped glasses to use as a mould. Any tube would do really. If you don't have anything like them toilet paper rolls could be a good substitution. Just remember not to use a glass with a different shape, or it will be impossible to take the chocolate out. 

Cuukinando: how to make little chocolate vases

I decided to use this technique because I think that if you have a creative mind it could be use for so many projects. This is one of the easiest shapes you could try to work with. But you could give some nice shape to the borders, or live unpainted spots to make different shapes. Maybe some more videos coming up! 

A tip: the chocolate must be cold when you separate it from the paper and the glass. It is the most critical moment of the whole process.... quite easy to break them!If you break it just a bit it is quite easy to fix though. You just need to use some melted chocolate as "glue" and then give an extra chocolate layer. Since they don't have a smooth finish it will still look fine. But if you completely brake them... well, it will be difficult to solve! 

Around 3 layers it is usually enough, but it depends on the thickness of the layers you are applying. 5 minutes in the fridge between layers is more than enough. 

To fill the little vases we have used berries, nuts, honey and mint (trying to keep it healthy!!) but the possibilities are infinite. Just don't choose any hot filling, because it would melt the chocolate. What would you use? 

Here is the new video. I hope you like it!! 

1 comment:

  1. The recipes sounds great but the video does not work and can not find the recipes to make your creations !!
