Tuesday 4 March 2014

Quinoa salad with sushi flavour

One day I had a great idea for a recipe. It was kind of an "Eureka moment": I am going to cook sushi with quinoa. Then I googled it.. and I realized lots of people had the same eureka than me. There is even another blogger describing how she went through the same "Eureka process"! 

I just had to try it, so I decided to cook it. Everything seemed to be going fine until I had to cut the sushi rolls. That was a mess... and a disaster. Quinoa doesn't have the same consistency than sushi rice, is much less sticky, and at least for me... that was enough for the recipe not to work. I guess I didn't follow the right recipe, or maybe I didn't have the right quinoa... not sure. I have to confess that I ate the mess. And I really liked it! So I thought... why not to convert the recipe into a salad? And that's how this recipe was born. The good part is that being a salad convert this recipe in a very quick and healthy way to eat something that tastes like sushi, something that you could cook any... Tuesday? 

cuukinando: quinoa salad with sushi flavour

Quinoa is very fashionable these days among health concious people due to its nutritional value. Its protein content is quite high (including all essential amino acids) it has a relatively low glycemic index and a good part of its fat content is essential fatty acids. And what's best.. it tastes great. You can use to substitute rice in any recipe (that's where the idea of quinoa sushi came from!)

Nori seaweed is another superfood included in this recipe. Its main use is sushi making, but it can be use in many recipes. It has an intense sea flavour, and a high concentration of minerals, vitamins and fibre. 

The wasabi paste and the soy sauce give the final sushi flavour to this salad. We have used avocado, salmon and sesame paste because that's our favourite sushi combination at home. But you can try with any other combination that you fancy!

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