Friday 31 May 2013

Roasted peppers soup

     Today we cook a starter we love: roasted peppers soup. It is a recipe we discovered several years ago, and we have been cooking it in special occasions since then. Actually we even cooked it at home for Christmas dinner this year!

     We roast the pepper in the microwave, following the recipe we posted some time ago (you can see it here). As an alternative to this recipe you can keep the vinegar syrup to decorate at the end, although we prefer the version we have cooked, because it gives a beautiful contrast between sweet and acid flavours.

     You have to tell us what do you think about this soup, we are sure you will be surprised by its flavour! 

     You can see the video here: 

     We hope you like it! 

Thursday 30 May 2013

Oatmeal cookies with banana, orange and honey

    Today we have decided to bring you a treat recipe, but a healthy one: oatmeal cookies. For all of you who have oats in your breakfast they are a good alternative to take from time to time, and if you don't, they are a fantastic way to increase your fibre intake.

     They are "chewy cookies" (kind of american type of cookie), maybe not everybody cup of tea, but if you like whole flavours we are sure you will enjoy them, and you could use them instead of the traditional porridge.

     The video:


Tuesday 28 May 2013

Blueberry and almond cake with a touch of lemon

     This weekend we have cooked one of my favourite cakes: blueberry and almond. It is always a winning combination! we have added a touch of lemon, which makes it even more yummy if possible. 

     In other occasions we have used this recipe as a filling for a cake, in which case you just need to use a sweet pastry as a base and bake it before following this recipe.

     The result is a very moist cake, and it is very quick to cook. We like it specially for tea time. 

See the recipe here:

Thursday 23 May 2013

Apple roses

     Today we bring you a post in which we show you how to make a rose shaped flower using apple.

     They look beautiful, and the best part of this recipe is that you don't need to be an artist to have a good result. If you follow the technique correctly you will have nice roses, even a child would. We have used shortcrust to make the base of the flowers, but you can use other doughs. If you use a cookie dough to make the base you will have apple cookies. You can add cinnamon if you fancy too. 

     These flowers can be used to embellish both sweet and savoury dishes. They are fantastic with roasted meat, specially with pork, or to decorate your apple pie. And we are sure there are many other uses we didn't even think about. 

     Here is the video:

     We hope you like the idea. See you in the next post!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Berries and cookies dessert

     The weekend is finally here! And that's why in Cukinando we decided to have a treat and we cook this pleasing dessert. 

     We started cooking some shortbreads and we filled them with whipped cream and some blueberries. The cookies can always be prepared beforehand, or you can even buy them! Although if you make them it is always possible to play with their shape and size. To have some colour we squeezed some raspberries with sugar. This sauce provides acidity to the dessert, which makes a nice contrats with the general sweetness. 

     You can see the result, but if you want to try it you will have to make it! 

     You can see the video here:

     Enjoy your weekend there!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Mini flower potato and asparagus quiches

     After a short holiday in the lovely Spain we come back full of energy in Cuukinando. We bring you a new recipe that you will love if you try it. 

     These mini quiches do not just look beautiful, but they taste fantastic as well. It is a different quiche, in which we added baked potato to the basic egg and cream mixture. We like presenting them in individual portions (with this recipe you could fill around 6-8 tartlets) but you can always present it in the original pie shape if you prefer it. 

     You can find the video here:


     You have to try them!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Chinese chicken tartlets with honey and sesame seeds

     Yesterday we cooked some chicken stock at home. Normally we would used the chicken to make a salad or something similar, but we decided to make something different to use the already boiled chicken. So we came up with this idea. 

     The main flavour from this recipe comes from the 5 Chinese spices and the honey adds some sweetness. 
     To make the tartlets we have used a very simple method: baking some Wonton skins, which are easily found in Chinese stores and they make beautiful crispy tartlets. It is a fantastic method if you are hosting a dinner party and you have to make plenty of tartlets, because it takes no time at all to make them.

     To view the recipe just go to:


     Enjoy it!