Monday 13 January 2014

Strawberries bouquet

And finally, after a long holiday, we are back. And we do it with a healthy option, because after Christmas we couldn't think about anything else. We have to somehow try to compensate!
I personally like to put some fresh fruit in a buffet when we have people around. This is just an original way of doing it. We made a bouquet with strawberries and chocolate coated blueberries.

Cuukinando: fruit bouquet, strawberries roses
As long as you use a chocolate with a high cocoa percentage and a low sugar content this is a very healthy option. We can't forget that chocolate is full of nutrients, a fantastic excuse to eat it (as if we needed one!)
Cuukinando: Fruit bouquet, strawberries roses
You already know we like doing easy things, and this presentation is not different in that sense. We remind you that we already made a video about how to make a rose with an apple.
We hope you like it. We will try not to disappear again for so long! so... see you soon!

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