Thursday 30 January 2014

Bangladeshi prawn curry with coconut milk

We are back with a very special guest in Cuukinando... my husband! I think I have mentioned couple of times that he is from Bangladesh. He has opened the door to a whole new world of flavours for me. I remember when I started eating Indian food everything just tasted like "spices", as a whole. But the more a I ate, the more I learnt to appreciate the differences. Today, Indian (or Bangladeshi) food is an integral part of my diet, and I love it. That's why you will find lots of recipes with an Indian touch in this blog. This is, no doubt, one of my favourites. 

Cuukinando: Easy prawn curry with coconut milk

Once more, you can find coconut milk as an ingredient (like in the lemon chicken or one of the cold fruit soups). It is a healthy ingredient and we love its flavour. It is not a hot recipe, it just has half a teaspoon of red chilli. If you are not able to tolerate hot food at all, just don't use it. On the contrary, you could add some green chillies if you feel brave!

We posted about how to make home made coconut milk, if you prefer to substitute the can version. Little bit tedious (compared to open a can!) but the flavour is much more natural. Your choice. 

Watch the video here:

Monday 27 January 2014

Strawberries mousse with dark chocolate and cream served in flutes

It is not February yet and there is already hearts smell in the air. And how do hearts smell? No doubt: like strawberries. We have to admit it, we love Valentine's. Today we bring you the first (yes, the first one, we are working on more posts!) of our Valentine's ideas.
Cuukinando: Valentine's easy idea. Strawberries mousse with dark chocolate and cream served in flutes.
A very easy recipe. It is a fantastic dessert for a Valentine's dinner at home, or you can use it for any other romantic occasion. I was trying to finish recording with day light and I made the mistake of putting chocolate and cream too early, so my layers are not properly defined! If you wait for 2 hours (better if you can do more than 4) it should look better than this.
It is a healthy option too. We just use sweetener (we try to avoid sugar... most of the time!) but you can use sugar if you prefer it. You could just rely on strawberries sweetness too, I didn't try, but I am sure it would be nice.
Well, you just need 2 minutes to watch our video, we hope you like it!

Friday 24 January 2014

Savoury cupcakes: chickpeas and spinach

We were in a mood of eating a classic dish today: spinach and chickpeas. And we were in a mood of eating cupcakes. So we decided to combine both and we cooked chickpeas and spinach cupcakes. A traditional flavour combination presented in an original way.
Cuukinando: Savoury cupcakes with chickpeas and spinach
We used mascarpone and fresh herbs for the frosting, but if you prefer, you can leave them as muffins and skip the frosting, the are good that way too.
Do you want to know how to cook them? You just need a couple of minutes (as always!) to watch our new video. We hope you enjoy it.

Monday 13 January 2014

Strawberries bouquet

And finally, after a long holiday, we are back. And we do it with a healthy option, because after Christmas we couldn't think about anything else. We have to somehow try to compensate!
I personally like to put some fresh fruit in a buffet when we have people around. This is just an original way of doing it. We made a bouquet with strawberries and chocolate coated blueberries.

Cuukinando: fruit bouquet, strawberries roses
As long as you use a chocolate with a high cocoa percentage and a low sugar content this is a very healthy option. We can't forget that chocolate is full of nutrients, a fantastic excuse to eat it (as if we needed one!)
Cuukinando: Fruit bouquet, strawberries roses
You already know we like doing easy things, and this presentation is not different in that sense. We remind you that we already made a video about how to make a rose with an apple.
We hope you like it. We will try not to disappear again for so long! so... see you soon!