Saturday 21 September 2013

How to cook a crispy and moist brownie

     We have recently posted about oatmeal cakes, pasta less dishes, salads, soups.. it's been ages since we don't post a "real sweet". And it is not that the other ones are not nice, that they are... but from time to time we need some very unhealthy and real refined sugar cake. Because one day is just one day.... we couldn't think about a better recipe than a brownie. 

     This a recipe that everybody likes. It has a dense and intense chocolate flavour, it is moist in the inside and crispy on the outside... just the perfect every day chocolate cake. Easy to make and yummy like no other ones. There are some difference in our version compared to the traditional ones. These difference are the consequence of chance and an optimization process. We are happy with the result. So much, that even knowing that there are millions of brownie recipes online... we think this one was still lacking! 

     So here it is. 

     Maybe you will like: our layered chocolate panna cotta

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