Saturday 28 September 2013

Fragrant Basmati Rice

     I think I never told you that my husband is from Bangladesh. That means that we eat lots of curries at home. He is a fantastic cook, so I hope I can record him cooking in the near future while he is cooking one of his curries. We bring you today an easy recipe, with an Indian touch, very aromatic and easy. We cook it from time to time as a side dish. Usually with some simple dish, because the rice has already its own personality. We think it is perfect for some grilled fish or meat. 

     We used basmati rice. The flavour comes from the fragrant oil in which we add some spices, like anise, cloves or cardamoms. We finish adding some roasted pine nuts and coriander and mint. 

     Don't you want to try it? You just need to watch our video. We hope you like it!! 

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