Thursday 19 September 2013

Home made baby food to take away

     This post is for moms (and for future ones!) Not too long ago I was going out with my mum and she saw how I prepared my baby's food. She said: "Blanca, you have to record a video with that". So here it is.

     I am not very sure if this is anything new for anybody, but it is definitely a practical way of having some home made baby food always ready. In the video we comment that in normal conditions it will be frozen for around two hours. Just use your common sense, it will be fine if you don't wait too long to eat it.
     So no excuses, no processed food for our babies. These ones are much nicer and there is nothing on them that we do not want to give to them. I always try to have enough ingredients ready to have different combinations of fish, meat or vegetables.
    So here is the video, we hope it is useful. We'll be back soon!

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