Monday 5 August 2013

My mother's paella

   We have a special guest today in Cuukinando: our mother, and she came to cook for us the most famous Spanish recipe: Paella! 

     Our love for food and cooking at home has its origin in our mother. And before that, in her father (our grandfather) but we were not lucky enough to meet him. This is the paella version we have always had at home,what we would call a typical Sunday lunch. It is, of course, our favourite version. We are 5 brothers and sisters at home, and some of us prefer it with beef, pork.. or like this one, with chicken. But as you can see, we prefer meat paella. There are probably some differences with the traditional way of cooking paella. You can cook the first steps in a pressure cooker, to have a quicker version. 

     Oh, and don't be afraid of burning it! The burnt paella is called socarrat, and we all fight at home to eat it. 

     This is the way my mother learnt to cook paella, the way we learnt from her and this is the way we are sharing with you today. My mother's paella. 

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