Tuesday 30 April 2013

Spanish omelette

     The Spanish omelette is one of the most international dishes of the Spanish cuisine. There is no Spanish home where it is not eaten in a regular basis, and there is no Spanish party without a "tortilla". 

     The basic recipe consists of fried potatoes mixed with eggs and cooked in a cake shape. This simple equation can be varied in an indefinite number of ways, and that is why every Spaniard you will meet is proud of their own version of this classical dish. Bigger or smaller potatoes, adding or not onion, different potatoes/eggs ratio. But always delicious. 

     Usually people struggle to give the tortilla the right shape, simply because they are afraid. Just be sure to be decisive, you can see in the video it is a very easy thing to do!

     This is our version of the Spanish omelette. And of course... what can we say. It is the best you can try! 

     Watch the video here:


     Give it a try, it is easier than what you think. And let us know what you think! 

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