Tuesday 30 April 2013

Microwave "roasted" peppers

     We love roasted peppers as a side dish. They can be served with meat, with fish or simply with bread. In Spain we eat them all the time. You can always find them in the supermarket but we usually like to make them at home. Cooking roasted peppers in the oven is time consuming, but with this method you can have them ready in 30 minutes.

     So we bring you today in Cuukinando a fast way to cook your own roasted peppers: in the microwave. You would be surprised to taste how authentic the flavour is. 

      Just watch the video here:

     There is no excuse now. Not long hours in the oven. So easy! 

Spanish omelette

     The Spanish omelette is one of the most international dishes of the Spanish cuisine. There is no Spanish home where it is not eaten in a regular basis, and there is no Spanish party without a "tortilla". 

     The basic recipe consists of fried potatoes mixed with eggs and cooked in a cake shape. This simple equation can be varied in an indefinite number of ways, and that is why every Spaniard you will meet is proud of their own version of this classical dish. Bigger or smaller potatoes, adding or not onion, different potatoes/eggs ratio. But always delicious. 

     Usually people struggle to give the tortilla the right shape, simply because they are afraid. Just be sure to be decisive, you can see in the video it is a very easy thing to do!

     This is our version of the Spanish omelette. And of course... what can we say. It is the best you can try! 

     Watch the video here:


     Give it a try, it is easier than what you think. And let us know what you think! 

Sunday 28 April 2013

Eggs with salmon served in their shells

     This is a recipe we have been thinking about for a while, and we decided to give it a try today. Serving eggs in their shells is a very original way of presenting a very easy recipe. 

     The salmon caviar explode in the mouth and give to the dish a luxurious touch. 

     Preparing the shells is quite fast, and once they are ready they can be used once and again and again. There are tools to cut the eggs out there, and they cut the shells leaving a smooth and straight line, but we prefer this look. 

    You can have a look to the video here:


     It is a fantastic recipe to serve as a fancy starter or side dish. We hope you enjoy it! 

Saturday 27 April 2013

Olive oil and walnuts sponge cake

     Today we bring you one of our classic recipes at home. I personally cook it for breakfast each time I have someone at home and it is usually a big success. It is the simplest recipe ever.

     The basic recipe consists of equal amounts of olive oil, flour, eggs and sugar. The olive oil gives a very special flavour to the cake. Adding walnuts is always a winning combination, but there are other options, like adding banana or raisins that you could try and we are sure you would not be disappointed.

     You can check our video here:

     And please, let us know what you think. We hope you enjoy it!

How to cook the perfect hard boiled egg

  Cuukinando starts its adventure in the digital world with a simple but effective technique.

  How to cook the perfect hard boiled egg? Following this recipe you will always have easy to peal eggs. No grey rings around the yolk and they will have their best texture.

Just check out our first video:

We are very excited about the beginning of this blog, so we really hope you enjoy it.