Thursday 13 February 2014

Two chocolates cake

Valentine's day is about to arrive and I still didn't publish the post I wanted. I tried couple of times and it didn't work. So I am just publishing this one, because I really want to share this recipe.
 I cooked the cake for my husband's office, so they must be enjoying it there. But it was the perfect excuse to cook it and share it in Cuukinando. Chocolate cheesecake. It sounds (and tastes) like an evil invention.
Cuukinando: Two chocolates cheesecake

The contrast between the two chocolates should have been more visible, if you cook it following the instructions it should be the case. It is a really easy cake, basically you just need to mix the ingredients and just bake them.
So here is the video, I hope you like it!

Saturday 8 February 2014

Chickpeas with chicken, tomatoes and avocado

This is one of those recipes that started with something like...

- What are we having today?
- Let me check what we have.... 

Cuukinando: chickpeas with chicken, tomatoes and avocado

And this is what we had: chickpeas, tomatoes, chicken and avocado. And it became a normal recipe at home. Sometimes we cook it with chicken wings ant its is really tasty too. 

So we are sharing it today with you... just in case you wonder: what are we having today?